Three Epistles
She was a mean love that way; she loved a latched gate, and a dead landlord beneath the steps, and all things of heaven made cold to touch and safe to house...
Leslie McIntosh is black, gay, cis-male, neurodivergent (ASD), an older millennial, a poet, and a psychologist. He has received support, in the form of residencies and fellowships, from Callaloo, Furious Flower Poetry Center, The Watering Hole, and Zoeglossia. His poems have been selected as finalists for Split This Rock’s 2019 Sonia Sanchez/Langston Hughes Poetry Contest, judged by Franny Choi, and Southern Humanities Review’s 2020 Auburn Witness Poetry Prize, judged by Paisley Rekdal, and nominated for the Pushcart. His work has appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, The Quarry: A Social Justice Poetry Database, and Southern Humanities Review. He is an Assistant Poetry Editor at Newfound and lives in Jersey City, NJ.