2024 Subscriptions.

We survive on subscriptions.

Burrow Press exists because of adventurous readers like you. Subscribers directly support our publishing program, allowing us to take more artistic risks and provide a home for work that might otherwise be overlooked by “the big 5” corporate publishers. Subscribers receive all our 2024 limited first edition books, name recognition in those books & other perks. Ready? Select an option below. Questions? Scroll down to our FAQ.

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Subscribe + Donate

Renews automatically each year.

Renews automatically each year.

One time subscription & donation.

One time subscription & donation.

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Renews automatically each year.

Renews automatically each year.

One time 2024 subscription.

One time 2024 subscription.

Want to send multiple gift subscriptions? Click here to learn how in 3 easy steps.
Already a Subscriber? Click here to manage your account.

Already a Subscriber? Click here to manage your account.


What comes with a 2024 subscription?

Moonlight Over Sea Trees: a catalog of the exhibition of the same name featuring the work of Edgar Heap of Birds and Michael Maxwell. Also includes a conversation between artists and essays by Teresa Carmody and Claire Voon.
36 Dwellings, image/text hybrid chapbook by Jan Padios: “…a haunting cartography of memory and movement.” –Monica Ong
• All the Places We Love Have Been Left in Ruins, poetry by Ariel Francisco, an unofficial sequel to A Sinking Ship is Still a Ship (Burrow 2020), Francisco returns his focus to Miami and climate change. This will be a bilingual edition including parallel Spanish translations.

When will my books be sent?

2024 books will ship in three separate installments, likely beginning in late spring / early summer and into fall. Details to come.

Can I subscribe to 2024 throughout the year?

Yes, you can subscribe to our 2024 books year-round. If any books have already been released when you make your purchase, we’ll bundle those for you and ship them a day or two after your purchase.

How does auto-renewal work?

If you choose either “annual” subscription option, you will pay for a 2024 Subscription at checkout, and then be automatically billed the same amount each year on January 1st. If you’re making this purchase in 2023, you’ll see a different renewal date. This is so you don’t get double charged on the 1st of the new year. We will adjust the renewal date to January 1st after the new year to avoid double-charging.

How do you communicate with subscribers?

We communicate with subscribers using email marketing software, so make sure the email address you list at checkout is one that you check (or reach out to us to update it). We only send you an email when it’s important, for instance, when we’re about to ship a new book, or if there is a special Subscriber deal or event. We do not add you to our regular email newsletter, and we do not share or sell your info.

What do you mean by name recognition?

As way of honoring Subscribers, we publish their names in the back matter of each book, as well as on our About page. If you’d like to be recognized by a name other than the one you used to place the order, note this in the “Subscriber name” field on the checkout page when you make your purchase.

How do I manage my recurring subscription / update my billing info?

If your subscription is set to auto-renew, you don’t have to manage anything. However, you will be given log-in credentials should you want to change billing information, etc. To log in to your account simply visit this page and click the manage account link above the FAQ. If you have issues or would like us to make changes on your behalf, don’t hesitate to contact us (see below).

Address Changes & Customer Service.

In addition to address changes, if you have any questions about being a Subscriber or need technical help, contact [email protected].

Gift Options.

You can purchase gift subscriptions (one-time or auto-renew) and assign them to different giftees using the “Order Notes” box at checkout. For each gift subscription in the cart, simply include: the giftee’s first & last name; active email address; and a short gift message (optional). For example:

Subscription 1: gift for John Doe, [email protected], “Happy reading, John! Love, Mom”

We’ll send them a gift notice via email and request the relevant shipping details.

Why are subscriptions important to Burrow Press?

To follow a specific publishing house, just as you might follow a record label, requires a certain level of trust. Trust that you’re going to like what we publish, even if our tastes are eclectic and unpredictable. Which they are. And even if our tastes challenge your own. Which they might. Subscribers directly contribute to helping us build a lasting body of literature and foster literary community in Florida. Subscriptions help us pay our authors more, and give us the financial freedom to take artistic risks in the work we publish. Since 2010 we’ve provided over 1,700 opportunities for writers to publish and share their work, but we can’t keep doing it without your help.