2024 Subscription


Subscribing some time in the middle of 2024? Not a problem! We will bundle all the books we’ve released so far this year and mail them in 1-2 business days.

This product includes Burrow’s three 2024books:

Moonlight Over Sea Trees: a catalog of the exhibition of the same name featuring the work of Edgar Heap of Birds and Michael Maxwell. Also includes a conversation between artists and essays by Teresa Carmody and Claire Voon.
36 Dwellings, image/text hybrid chapbook by Jan Padios: “…a haunting cartography of memory and movement.” –Monica Ong
All the Places We Love Have Been Left in Ruins, poetry by Ariel Francisco, an unofficial sequel to A Sinking Ship is Still a Ship (Burrow 2020), Francisco returns his focus to Miami and climate change. This will be a bilingual edition including parallel Spanish translations.